Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hw- 36

Comment to KianaC's Blog:

Thesis: Cool is shaped and formed in various ways because "cool" has become a tool to build and structure the many differentiations in society.

In our society, we have come to abide by the popular trend of "how to be cool?" There are various ways on how to be cool because all "cools" are opinionated. One cool could be better than another person's cool as vice versa. These trends of cool are taken advantage of to build large corporations such as Sprite, Levi's and any other corporation that spams television directed to teens and children.[Insert Thesis I have provided here].

Race has a lot to do with the many differentiations in our society. A Black man's cool may be different then a White man's or a Latin-American to an Asians only because we all come from a different culture. Are all these different forms of cool equal though? No. Only because some cultures are viewed to dominate another. A black male who grows up in the projects typically tends to find his cool lurking the block he's grown up in and for an Asian who grew up under the pressure of parents telling him to study everyday would find his cool in school. Which one is more dominant? In reality the Asians cool would be more dominant because of our societies praise to "Success" but in the black Male's eyes, he's just another Asian who does homework with no social life. A superficial criteria of "how to be cool" is built on how well you present a social life, so the more dominant cool may be directed toward the Black male.


If you choose to stay with my thesis or change it around to fit you, make sure to always explain after your evidence why it is connected to the thesis.

If you choose to stay with your thesis, I had some trouble finding it and then applying it to the rest of your paper. Re-phrase introduction.

Evidence you could use for Race:

Comment to YurelisR.'s blog:

Thesis: People see cool as an answer to critique a way of living to fill a void of emptiness made by desires.

Desires are made in every culture and race. They are all different and all mean something significant to that person. Most desires in our society are structured around the thought of "coolness." Being cool has been a way to shape a person's mind set to fulfill that individuals needs because of this open void of emptiness we tend to fill every so often. How we fill this void is completely different then the next person because of the many different cultures and backgrounds we are built upon. The motives we assign ourselves are made by the "cultural map" we are given thanks to setting and impact we have had in our lives.


Yurelis, if you decide to stick with your thesis, PLEASE make sure to analyze your evidence and how it relates to your thesis (In a show-don't tell manner.)

If you decide to stay with my thesis I have provided, evidence you could use are my blogs,(Hw 30,31,32,33,34)
Theorists that would go great with my thesis provided would be Viktor Frankl and Goffman (Presentation's of self and Everyday Life)

*Little things you should be aware of:
Grammar mistakes.
Structure of your arguments(You want it to flow and not sound choppy and all over the place)
For your thesis, Please try to end it as a powerful statement and not question.

Good Luck, This is the end of 1st semester. =)


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