Monday, February 22, 2010

Hw- 40 School Interviews & Synthesis

1. Myself.
Q:What life skill should be taught in school?
A: I think learning how to interact with people on a more formal level because we need to know how to talk to people during job interviews.

2. Friend
Q: What life skill should be taught in School?
A: "umm...I think social skills should be taught in school, for example having a proper conversation or like at a interview."

3: Teacher/Counselor
Q: What life skill should be taught in School?
A: Networking, definitely networking, because I see kids everyday using a certain slang and not properly transitioning from hanging with their friends to talking to adults/teachers. Which I think should be a very important life skill that should be taught.

4: Friend
Q: What life skill should be taught in School?
A: How to interact with people. I think majority of people don't know how too.

5: Teacher
Q: What life skill should be taught in school?
A: It is really important to know how to collaborate with other people because when you get out into the workforce, you must know how to interact with people at work, even if you don't like them.

After these interesting and insightful interviews about what life skill should be taught in school, everyone said basically the same thing. Knowing how to interact with people should be the #1 life skill taught as opposed to other life skills. Majority of the people interviewed said that people lack in making the transition from talking to your friends and then talking to an adult/teacher. It was interesting to find one of my friends to say that most people just do not know how too and that he is confident in himself that he knows how too. I believe everyone lacks in some sort of way in interacting with people, especially with those who are adults because we are not use to talking that certain way.

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