Monday, October 5, 2009

Informal research internet.
I think the most interesting part about this blog Noah Brier made was about the trend of social networking services that rise and fall due to the loss of context/control.

I agree that because of how many friends we have in reality that use social networking sites get us hooked to it, and it builds when we get that special "friend request" because t does feel like you build a certain popularity.

The most interesting topics covered about the video game industry this site talked about were the addiction and controversy games bring to reality. In their blog they mentioned popular selling games that had a lot of controversy thrown at it such as, Mortal Combat, Grand theft auto, and Manhunt, etc.

I agree that the video games are distracting to the younger ages, but people should be aware that your child can pick up the similar media from watching tv or just being outside aswell. But yeah video games are for the worst.

This blog was interesting because it didn't tell me what Tv is like presently and was like historically. It asked me what I think of it futuristically. I had a wide variety of answers of how cool tv would be in the future, but the site gave me some insight on how Tv is being better made to make the consumer amazed.

I agree in the blog that Microsoft, should come out with their brand new futuristic ideal Tv that can make everything easier all the way up to not having to own a REMOTE CONTROL! Can you believe that? No remote control, but you can still flip through channels. CRAZY. But this also made me think that how much more lazier can our generation get, and then I compared myself to that disney movie, Wall-E, and i can just imagine now, "Fat, tired, high speed chair go-ers." not bad.

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