Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hw-15 Comments to blogs

christian said...

I agree with your post that that Telivision and Videogames do make us a smarter person even though in our society people look at it in a different eye. They look at as a total negative because of the outer body experience that most people endure. Even though that could happen, it doesn't mean we're not learning, we're just more foucused on what we're watching than anything else. But then they would argue that we would be oblivious to the world! Hell no, they have educational shows about the world, we could be watching that shit. And Books! Books should be counted in as they same proposed threat Tv and videogames have because the only change we're doing, is having our eyes strained to read words. In Tv and videogames, are eyes strain to look at the screen.

One question I have for you though, is how do you think "Feed" and "Everything bad is good for you" try to portray the same message, or had something incommon? I said that both authors had it down when we couldn't understand something complex, so we have something digitaly explained to us. Check my blog for that one if you'd like.

Overall I enjoyed your post, and the similarities between videogame simulations helping you at driving school. I look foward to more blogs you post about this arguement of how digital technology is good for us.
October 27, 2009 7:07 PM

christian said...

I agree with you entirely that "Feed" can be considered a mirror under Bert Brehct quote "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it." becuase in feed the parables and allegories explained and described very much of teenage life. In "Feed" it mocked the clothing trends and hair style trends but all together at the very end when Valarie dies, how do you think this was an allegory or parable to reality?

You also stated that "Feed" could be a hammer. I can't say I agree with you because even though I read this book, I feel that nothing has really changed, im just aware of digital technology use, but I still use it. I'd like to hear back from you, why you think "Feed" should also be considered a hammer, and what change/difference the book as a whole has made in teenagers, and what the most important change/difference "Feed" had that would make a difference?

I think you have some really great points in your blog post, but if you expanded on your thoughts, I think it would become a stronger indepth statement on what you bring across in your post.
October 27, 2009 4:30 PM

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