Sunday, November 1, 2009

Digital Unit Mini-Exhibition Outline

Eq: How has digital technology better society?

Thesis: The digital technology today has bettered our society for the better because it is convenient due to cell phones, Tv and social networks.

Argument 1: Social Networking

Digital technology has become so convenient to our present society because of the social networking. Social networking has been able to keep people in contact with others who they haven't seen in a longtime, or prepare themselves to meet each other the following day.

Argument 2: Tv

Digital technology has better our society because of Tv. Tv has helped us better understand complex narrative stories-(use the Everything bad is good for you)

Argument 3: Cell Phones

Digital technology has conveniently helped our society through shortening and giving us shortcuts communicating with other people in long distances.

Conclusion: Digital technology has definitely better our society even though many argue that it has been for the worse, but overall when we look at it, digital devices we've used has made things easier.


  1. Christian,

    This was vague - I'm not quite sure exactly what you're arguing for.

  2. christian,

    I think that you were repeating yourself, like each argument was trying say the same thing but you just changed the words around. So are you arguing why it's good? i think you are but your arguments are sort of weak right now. I know you can do better.

  3. To Christain.

    I think your outline is one of the best that I have seen. Your thesis gets directly to the point and your arguments serve as great examples in proving the point that you state in your thesis. Social networking, television and cell phones are some of the main things talked about during this unit, therefor I believe that your decision to make these the main arguments in your paper will have a great effect on your paper as a whole.

    I also believe that instead of making the focus of your paper mainly about the positive outcomes and affects that digital devices has on the world, you should also include some alternative view points. Maybe things such as how it can allow students to cheat on test and not learn as much, how certain television programs can allow children to see things that they shouldn’t see, etc. Also a way to make your paper more relatable is to include examples from your personal life. Discuss your addiction to cell phones or video games, or discuss how your not a addict...whichever it may be it can serve as good examples. I believe that if you put in alternative point of views you can use Feed to support your ideas.

    Your layout seems like a clear and easy way to express your ideas which is why I like it so much. After reading this I am going to change my own paper layout so that it is more readable and understandable. I think in the end your paper will end up being great based on what I have seen so far!
