Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hw - 52 Initial Theories of Human Relationships

Human Relationships are split into many different categories and even those categories have categories and so on. But they all have something in common. Affirmation. Affirmation is related to every type of human relationship because every human wants to be accepted. We want to be accepted by our lovers, families, friends, co-workers and the public. So we put on these roles to fit almost everyone's needs, almost like multiple personalities. Why? That's a good question, is this human relationship the meaning and value of life? In my previous blog's about the "Cool" unit, I realized that we demand this popular label of "being cool" and a reason for that was because we felt lonely. We felt empty, and by filling this emptiness we were always constantly conforming to fit the people that mattered, needs'. Now here is my great attempt at trying to theorize these human relationships.

My theory about family relationships are the bonds between child and parent. Naturally the bond between a child and parent is strong because the child is being taken care of. The parents fit the child's needs so he/she accepts his parents. But as the child gets older, the bond weakens because the child realizes that the parent will not always be there for them. The child becomes its own individual and begins his/her life without the parents. From my own experience as child I always had my parents take care of me at a young age, and then I finally realized that I did not need them as much when I aquired friends in school. But the bond between my parents and I I feel is like " I owe you" bond now because they have taken care of me for so long, and in return I should take care of them, basically mutual respect. But for my parents I don't think they see it that way, they'll always see it as them taking care of me.

My theory on friendship has to do a lot with how we choose our friends as opposed to being chose by another. I think when we choose our friends, we look for things both of us share incommon first, for example; Movies, Sports, Interests etc, all parts of a "friend" criteria. Also you choosing a friend I believe shows that you are the more dominant figure in the relationship because you have the confidence to open yourself to be affirmed by someone who might of been completely different from you. My parents always tell me "make sure you choose your friends, and not have your friends choose you," and I believe they were preparing me for how I could be the more dominant person.

Another theory I have about human relationship is how we socially try to fit in. We act in a manner that people will accept us for. It also depends on the type of people we are around too, because when we are infront of adults, our attitudes must change, to usually show that we respect them and that we acknowledge them as the dominant figure. When we are with our friends, we switch to being loud, or obnoxious, rude etc. to make sure they find us amusing. Not saying all of us are like that of course, but that is how we usually get attention.

What I wish I knew more about in human relationships would have to be the "why's and the how's" of what we do that motivates us to find affirmation from other people. How do we judge what decision is right or wrong in any given relationship, and how do we deal with it, if it was the wrong decisions. I feel that if I were to know about how we make our decisions, we would be better off making right choices instead of poor ones.

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