Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hw - 53 Survey Analysis

Part 2:
Taking this survey I realized that for myself, I answered either most of the questions neutrally or not completely yes, but still a "yes." This made me wonder why? Were any of the questions asked, I honestly did not feel comfortable about answering, or was it that this is just how it was suppose to play out? Some of the questions asked in the survey made stop think, or even second guess how I answer because I was not completely sure on how I "really" felt about it. Questions about like self politics I had to go back and re-read the question because most of them were questions that described you as an individual, and I always have difficulty explaining a "who am I?" based question.

Part 3:
After the results were posted, almost all but some, each was a interesting score, just because of either how similar I was to some students or how different I was from the next. For instance questions in the self politics genre, most of the students agreed on things I answered for but questions about family, the answers varied. This opened my mind that a lot of us are not the same, even though we may feel that we could possibly be the same. One of the questions that I remember, was that students at home become scapegoats, or know scapegoats are used at home. Which I am not aware of in my home. I think when things get more personal and closer to home, everyone is different, but on more general topics, we find a lot of similarities.

Part 4:
Comparing our results to the other surveys, just shows how very similar we could get, and then on a personal level of how different we could be. What surprised me was how similar and close the percentage was to how much us students consider attempting suicide, is this personal behavior, students share on a deep level. Is it something in school that provokes it? Similarities in living styles and areas that cause this thinking? etc.

Reading about the types of experiences that students go through that I may not associate myself with makes think that, am I wrong for not being as similar as them, or are they wrong for not being like me? Why is it such an issue when one person's personality that is different from us, we are quick to judge them as wrong? What is the cause that makes us easily judge a person for something that they do differently from me? I could keep going on questioning where all of it could derive from, but what would be the ready answer for it?

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