Monday, May 17, 2010

Hw - 56

1.How many personal interactions a day have been positive? How many have been negative?

2.Are social interactions important to your life? Why?

3.What type of interactions do you find yourself in? Scripted(Hello, How was your day? etc.) Personal

Social Interactions important to your life? Why?
obviously they matter to me because i've already asked if my answers will be direct or not and all that
Why is that frequent interactions matter?
because weather we like it or not people forget about us. i bet the best Friends who you thought you'd hangout with forever from grade school, you forget about them and them about you, or at least you don't hangout anymore but if you had frequent interactions you probably could.
oh, so your saying that knowing how to interact with people, would matter because people eventually forget about you, so you have to gain new friends and socialize with new people?
yeah that too. also "frequent" implying that you see that same people frequently too, so they'll think to hangout with you more
so how many of these interactions today do you think have been positive, or negative?
a day?
today, and or in general
umm in general; 7 good, 2 bad ??
okay. Do these interactions make you feel anyway?
how do these conversation/frequent interactions make you feel?
they make me feel like they are necessary and we need more
Because without them you end up a loner.

Are social interactions important to your life?
yes they are, but i can also be just as content being by myself
which do you prefer to do then and why?
mm i think being by myself actually no
wait yeah
by myself haha
haha, so why is that you feel more comfortable by yourself?
i think I've always been really depended on so its led me to become more independent; but i wish i could be more dependent
interesting. people seem to always say they want to be more independent, what would be words of wisdom towards those other people?
haha mmm i think by literally doing things by yourself, like taking a walk or doing something alone that you would usually do with other people, you start to become much more in touch with yourself
haha i see. umm How many personal interactions a day have been positive? how many have been negative?
like usually or just today?
today, and or general
mm probably like 10 positive and 2 negative

I:Are Social Interactions important to your life?
A:Of course.
I:Why is it important to you then?
A:Why wouldn't it be important. It's what creates relationships between people.
I:What exactly does it create in relationships?
A:It's how you get friends and whatever else, and it makes life that much more interesting.
I:How many personal interactions a day have been positive? How many have been negative?
A:I would say about 19 in total have been positive today.
I:Do you think your engaged in a lot of personal interactions that you find significant?
A: I'd say I am.
I:What type of interactions are they then?
A:Scripted and deep/private.
I:Do these interactions make you feel any certain way?
A:Not necessarily.
I:So being engaged in these conversations and interactions are pointless then, they have no significance towards you?
A:No, they do have significance.
I:So isn't this pretty much contradicting what you said before, that interactions create things, but you find it not necessarily making you feel a certain way?
A:No, I don't think they are insignificant, I think they are important. I'm just not entirely sure how significant they are to me.

Reading through these responses of how frequent interactions impact our ability to engage in defined relationships, a lot of it we see as how the other person in the conversation affects us. Finding the significance in what we do depends on how dependable or independent that individual is. From what I heard in these interviews, having frequent interactions is necessary because where would we be if no one liked to socialize?

What is Significant in the relationships you have with other people?

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